a lesson on freedom
Dear You,
In the madness of 2021, I lost my black and beautiful wedding ring. I took off my ring while helping a friend do something; that was the last time we saw it. We don't know if the workers working in her new house took it or if it slipped in between her new couch, but the bottom line is - THE RING WAS LOST.
My partner made jokes, laughed at me and emotionally tortured me for losing the ring. We loved that ring, and I knew he was a little hurt that I lost it. It meant something to us. We tried to get it back, but sadly, due to COVID, the ring maker retired early and stopped providing it to the place we bought it from in the US.
After several hours speaking to the store, I finally accepted it was gone and criedddd like a baby 🥺 if you are my friend, you know that I loved my ring. I was transported to the first Keeping Up With The Kardashians show I ever watched, where I saw Kim crying about her ring or earring she had lost swimming 😠and I was like, why is she crying?
Then she said - "I had not insured it yet".
Now, at that moment, I could relate! I had over one year to insure my ring, and I didn't. I'm sure my financial advisor will give me a tongue-lashing when he hears this. But I should have known better.
The moral of the story is if you have anything valuable to you that will hurt you to lose, please insure it. Even your life, insure it.
Rihanna's legs are insured for $1M, Miley Cyrus' tongue is insured for $1M, Keith Richard's hands are insured for $1M, and Madonna's breasts are insured. Daniel Craig's whole body is insured for $9.5M, Kim K's butt is insured for $21M, Julia Robert's smile $30M, the list is longgggg
If you value it if it makes you money or hurts you to lose… INSURE IT!
That said, last month, my new laptop screen broke, and it transported me back to the exact moment when I lost my ring. The first question the repairer asked me was - do you have insurance? Apparently, it would have cost me 90% less to fix it if I had insurance. I almost cried. Anyway, I recently insured my phone and laptop against damages and theft, and I have felt FREEDOM and PEACE OF MIND. I realised it was not about "God forbid" but the confidence to truly enjoy your possessions with peace of mind. I finally understood how my friends abroad carried their phones around without fear of their screen breaking. They didn't have screen guards or cases, and they used their devices freely. I understand it now. My heart no longer drops to my stomach when my phone falls. Instead, I feel peace, freedom to use my device, and a high level of contentment.
This 2023, as you write your financial goals, create space for insurance. It's worth it. Get my goal-setting worksheet if you need help figuring out where to start your goal-setting this 2023. It has worked wonders for me and those who have purchased it. I am hosting a FREE virtual hangout with people who buy it this week. So try it and thank me in December.
Ps: After years of searching, we finally found the maker of my ring and got a new one. I am so excited.
With love,
Blessing Abeng